Friday, August 7, 2009

When the Bullet Hits the Bone

They were too late. It was the maid and she was dead.

"Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!! The men in black got her!" yelled Bro. "Why?! Why her?!!"

"She... She was sleeping with Papa.", said Baby. Her mind was racing. "You don't think..."

"Oh my god no. Lisa!!!"

Bro ran back into the house and grabbed his cell phone. He had 3 text messages from Lisa.

"Wake up, sleepy head. U gonna sleep all day?"

"Where ru???"

"Had a weird run in with the homeless guy. I wanna tell you about it. Call me!!!"

Bro tried to call Lisa on her cell but there was no answer. He and Baby threw on their clothes, jumped in the car, and raced across town to Lisa's house.

"We haven't seen her since we got home from our trip around noon.", said Lisa's mother. We figured she was out with you.

"Oh no! NO!", said Bro as he shot a glance at Baby. "She might be in serious danger, Mrs. Bunch. We've got to find her now!"

Lisa's family got in their cars and took off in search of their missing daughter. Baby and Bro jumped back in their own car.

"We've got to talk to that homeless guy." said Bro as he slammed the car into gear. "Right now he's our only lead."

They made a beeline for the overgrown park where Bro had last seen the homeless man.

Alas, when they got to the park, there was no sign that anyone had ever been there at all.

Next: AC/DC


  1. Oh noes! Lisa is gone!

    ...Take that you stupid maid, you're all dead...

  2. Yeah. She wasn't even a very good maid.

  3. OH NOOO!!!!!!
    But yeah, bye bye maid. Silly maid. Where's Papa?

  4. Damn maids..

    OH NOES! Poor Lisa..

    Damn papa's..

  5. Just discovered this blog, and already it's a favorite. Love the guest spots by Alice and Kev! Kev actually here seems to be semi sane, though I'm sure if he rants about green skinned aliens a lot, people would sure think he's crazy.

    Check out my blog too if you get a chance:

    It's a family story, and I use a lot of glitches that happen in the game to good effect in the story.

  6. How'd you get the first picture?

  7. The maid actually starved to death. The puddle was caused when she peed herself. Then I photoshopped the pee to make it red.


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