Monday, October 5, 2009


Everyone got a good night's sleep despite Novio's antics. When Ruby got up, Novio was sulking at the bar.

When she said good morning to him, his only response was to grumble, "ruckum-scruckum, ruckum-scruckum."

Wrill awoke in a great mood.

He went straight to work making breakfast for everyone.

When he asked Novio is he was hungry for some waffles, Novio glared at him and said, "Cha Cha Cha!"

That got everyone's attention. Hera quietly took Bro aside.

She told Bro that earlier, Novio had cut off Rhea on her way to the bathroom, saying that it was an emergency.

But once he got in there, all he did was make strange animal noises for 20 minutes.

"We like you guys and we really want to help you out.", said Hera.

"But that Novio guy is giving us both a serious case of the creeps."

Next: I'll Be There


  1. Novio is scareh. He reminds me of this guy I know... O.O

    If this clone of my simself was anything like my actual simself, he'd be so dead by now.

  2. I'm thinking he has some kind of adverse reaction to Wrill's psychic field. Perhaps Novio is allergic to Martians! Or just plain jealous? Hmmmm...


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