Sunday, September 13, 2009

One Way or Another

Confident that he would be unrecognizable in his farmer disguise, Bro slipped out of the house unnoticed and made a bee-line to the Sunset Valley Cemetery.

He searched the grounds thoroughly, but found no trace of his missing girlfriend.

That was okay. Bro knew it was a long shot that he would find Lisa there. He would just have to keep searching. He pulled his farmer's cap down over his eyes and walked downtown.

Bro visited all of their old haunts, but turned up nothing. He had a heart-stopping moment when he passed a man in black just outside of the grocery store. Fortunately, there was no sign that Bro had been recognized.

After long hours of searching, Bro was exhausted and discouraged. He had looked everywhere he could think of and not found the slightest trace of Lisa. That's when it hit him. The beach!!! How could he have forgotten the beach?!! Lisa loved the beach and the two of them had spent some very special times there. Bro wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and jogged on down to the Old Pier Beach.


Sadly, he found no sign of Lisa at the beach either.

Next: Love is Like Oxygen


  1. are the MIBS ur creation or are they random people in sunset valley?

  2. I created one MIB and then cloned him so that I have 5 identical ones. Then I moved them into a random household. They wander around, doing their own thing most of the time. When I need them, I switch to their household and issue commands from there.


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