Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who's Your Daddy?

Something was bothering Dr. Noory.

He even broke his own ban on using cell phones.

He reluctantly broke the news. The MIBS were sparing no expense at tracking down the runaway martians. The family might have a week or two more at this safe-house. But then they were going to have to run again and farther this time. Dr. Noory was going to have to leave them here while he scouted out new locations and devised a plan for their escape.

In the meantime, he was bringing in two trusted friends to serve as bodyguards to protect the family in his absence. The first man was Peach Dadiobradski.

His partner was, Novio Loco.

Dr. Noory gathered the family and told them him plans.

Bro was decidedly unimpressed with their new house guests.

"Dadiobradski?" he asked. "What kind of name is that?"

The man stared hard into Bro's eyes for several long seconds. Then, as he turned away, he said, "It's a long name. You can call me Daddy."

Dr. Noory heaved a sigh as left the house. He hoped he was making the right decision.

It felt wrong, leaving his martian friends behind. But he was confident that if there was any trouble with the MIBS, the family would be well protected.

Apparently, a kitchen fire was another matter altogether. When the smoke alarm began wailing, it was Wrill who thought to jump up and grab the fire extinguisher. Of course, it took him a minute or two to figure out what to do with it.

And speaking of fire...
This episode introduces two sims which were modeled by talented content artist, Adybatch!
Brad Pitt Sim by Adybatch
Tom Cruise Sim by Adybatch

Next: Wanna Be Startin' Something...


  1. LOL! I thought those two looked familiar. And nice play on the name and the title.

    Are we going to get a later chapter entitled "Who's Your Daddy Now?" ;)

  2. OhMaGawd I'm in a story with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.

    Also, I sense moar shenanigans.

  3. Thanks, Celara! You'll just have to keep reading...

    Ruby, is your Spidey sense tingling??

  4. Ha! I thought they looked familiar!

    Though I'm a bit worried, I ran Novio Loco through Google Translate and it gave me "Crazy Boyfriend"!

    I'm wary of these guys, I tell you...

  5. Did you see him jumping on Oprah's couch? I think the shoe fits. ;-)

  6. wow this is really interresting!
    i also like the effect u did with the maid and the puddle of blood. how'd u do that?
    n how did u manage to put all this together?
    did u create lots of stories/saves or are they all in one story/save?
    also aren't sims supposed to be pixelated wen they get in or out the showers? bcoz the ruby character was not pixelated in the previous story....
    but i love this! it's so cool! sorry if i bother u with lots of questions i just wanna learn how u did this... i recommended the story to my friends though ^^

  7. Hi Maragold, Thanks for all of your great comments! Here are the answers to some of your questions.

    First the maid. When she died, there was already a puddle of urine there. I just used Photoshop to color it red.

    As for the stories/saves. I would save the game then go out to Edit Town. From there I would change the Active Household and go back into the game. It would be the same moment in time(game time), so I could then issue orders to the Sims from that household. It can be a bit tedious, and the sims frequently seem to have their own ideas of what they want to do. The scene with Bro and Lisa and the MIBS involved sims from 3 households. There was a lot of, "Hey you! Get back here. I'm not done with you yet!".

    As for the lack of pixilation in the shower, that one is thanks to Rick's No Mosaic Mod. You can find a link to it in my Credits on the right. ----->

    I hope that helps. Thanks for reading! And thanks for recommending my blog to your friends!!! :D


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